About GSAS-Open Labs at Harvard science café

We are currently looking for new graduate students to transition the Open Labs leadership at Harvard; e-mail open.labs.contact@gmail.com.

Last event
Event date & time: April 12, 2018, 12:00pm


Location / Parking: 
John D. O'Bryant School of Mathematics and Science
55 Malcolm X Blvd
Roxbury, MA 02120

Event description
Join us for our Science Café where graduate students come straight to the school this time to provide fun talks about their research while you enjoy healthy snacks and healthier conversation. Talks are approximately 8-10 minutes long and are geared towards the general public. Following the talks, graduate students will be available to answer questions about scientific research and college preparation. 

Featured Speakers

Keith grew up in Texas, and along with his three sisters, enjoys working on his grandparent's farm whenever he's back at home.

In his research, he creates micro- and nano-technologies that can be used as biosensors, drug-screening platforms, brain-computer interfaces, and in other biomedical studies. As part of a team at MIT Lincoln Laboratory, he also develops single-photon imagers for laser radar and space applications. Keith enjoys learning new things and teaching others, 3D-printing as often as possible, and writing about a variety of topics.

Keith Krenek, G2

Applied Physics: In this presentation, I aim to share an excitement for brain-computer interfaces because these technologies promise significant improvements in our daily lives, especially in healthcare and how we communicate with electronics. More specifically, I'll explain what a brain-computer interface is, show examples of how these technologies are currently used, and describe how my research contributes to the field. In this way, I hope students are inspired by pondering the ways in which they might be using brain-computer interfaces in the future.

Zoe Todd is a second year graduate student in the Department of Astronomy at Harvard. As an undergraduate, she studied astrophysics, biochemistry, and physics, and is conTInuing to work in the interdisciplinary field of astrobiology to tackle quesTIons of life in the universe. Her research focuses on the planetary constraints for certain prebioTIc reacTIons, with the aim of constraining where life may be possible.

In Zoe’s spare TIme, she enjoys riding her pony.

Zoe Todd, G2

Astrobiology: In our attempts to find life off Earth, we often approach this by looking with telescopes or visiting other planets/moon. My talk addresses another possibility for studying life’s plausibility: synthesizing it in the lab. Laboratory studies over the past 50 years or so have made tremendous progress towards giving possible solutions for various problems or issues in the emergence of life, though much work remains to be done.


Harvard Team

Co-Directors: Ian Weaver & Munazza Alam

Treasurer: Sandy Yuan

Interested in becoming a fellow of GSAS-OLAH?

Please fill out the form below for more information and if you are a Harvard graduate student interested in joining the team as a speaker and/or coordinator. Speaker auditions are over. 

For any additional questions, contact: gsasharvard.openlabs@gmail.com